
23 февраля 2025,
13:22:29 MSK

YUKLA написал 10 июля 2010 года в 18:13 (3908 просмотров) Ведет себя как мужчина; открыл 10 тем в форуме, оставил 86 комментариев на сайте.


Откликаясь на пожелание редактора Hard’n'Soft, я решил доработать процедуру определения версии Видео-адаптера и драйвера в случае использования проприетарного драйвера NVidia. Теперь программа, я надеюсь, будет все верно определять.

Пользователи проприетарного драйвера NVidia — запустите, пожалуйста, программу, и пришлите мне лог ее работы. В GUI еще ничего нового по поводу NVidia не отображается.

Что касается пользователей проприетарного драйвера ATI — правильно ли у Вас отображается секция Video/X11 — GLX/OpenGL Information — Direct Rendering? Пришлите мне, пожалуйста, скриншоты с этим развёрнутым пунктом.

SysInfo for Linux ver. можно скачать с домашней страницы проекта или вот отсюда:

С уважением.


Добрый день,

Выпущен новый билд SysInfo. Я многое исправил, протестируйте, пожалуйста. Этот билд должен выдавать в лог данные о проприетарном драйвере NVidia:

— версию модуля ядра

— версию модуля X11, имя GPU и шину, на которой он установлен.

Адрес для загрузки:

С уважением.

 gesh: downloads $ sudo ./sysinfo 
Starting  SysInfo for Linux ver., GTK2 based
 .Info Cache Added: Type: L2, Size: 1024, 4-way set associative, 2 line per tag, 64 bit line size
 .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Data, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size
 .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Inst, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size
 .Info CPU Speed is: 2,09 GHz
 Added block dev: SATA HDD: 232,9Gb WDC WD2500BEVT-2 [sda1-sda2,sda5-sda9]
 Added block dev: SCSI CD: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T50N
 SIDL.Info /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: XF86DRICloseConnection
 SIDL.Info /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: DRI2Connect
  Processed:  MIT-SCREEN-SAVER,              OpCode 128  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  XFree86-VidModeExtension,      OpCode 129  Requested:  Ver. 2.2
  Processed:  XFree86-DGA,                   OpCode 130  Requested:  Ver. 2.0
  Processed:  DPMS,                          OpCode 131  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  XVideo,                        OpCode 132  Requested:  Ver. 2.2
  Processed:  X-Resource,                    OpCode 133  Requested:  Ver. 1.0
  Processed:  DOUBLE-BUFFER,                 OpCode 134  Requested:  Ver. 1.0
  Processed:  GLX,                           OpCode 135  Requested:  Ver. 1.4
  Processed:  DRI2,                          OpCode 136  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  NV-GLX,                        OpCode 137  
  Processed:  NV-CONTROL,                    OpCode 138  Requested:  Ver. 1.23
  Processed:  Generic Event Extension,       OpCode 139  Requested:  Ver. 1.0
  Processed:  SHAPE,                         OpCode 140  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  MIT-SHM,                       OpCode 141  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  XInputExtension,               OpCode 142  Requested:  Ver. 2.0
  Processed:  XTEST,                         OpCode 143  Requested:  Ver. 2.2
  Processed:  BIG-REQUESTS,                  OpCode 144  
  Processed:  SYNC,                          OpCode 145  Requested:  Ver. 3.0
  Processed:  XKEYBOARD,                     OpCode 146  Requested:  Ver. 1.0
  Processed:  XC-MISC,                       OpCode 147  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  XINERAMA,                      OpCode 148  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  XFIXES,                        OpCode 149  Requested:  Ver. 4.0
  Processed:  RENDER,                        OpCode 150  Requested:  Ver. 0.10
  Processed:  RANDR,                         OpCode 151  Requested:  Ver. 1.3
  Processed:  XINERAMA,                      OpCode 148  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  Composite,                     OpCode 153  Requested:  Ver. 0.4
  Processed:  DAMAGE,                        OpCode 154  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  TOpenGLInfoRec Unable to open drm connection!
  NVidia Card Name: 70.18.2e.00.06
sysinfo: xcb_io.c:452: _XReply: Проверочное утверждение «!dpy->xcb->reply_data» не выполнено.
Аварийный останов
 gesh: downloads $ uname -a
Linux shix #2 SMP Wed May 12 22:47:36 CDT 2010 i686 Pentium® Dual-Core CPU       T4300  @ 2.10GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux



Эмн… вот еще

 gesh: downloads $ lsmod | grep nv
nvidia              10074594  31 
agpgart                23773  2 nvidia,intel_agp
i2c_core               15279  3 nvidia,videodev,i2c_i801



Пожалуйста, попробуйте новый билд.  Там я добавил _XEatData(). Должно помочь.


Update: В новом билде — сделана попытка исправить ошибку

XRead: Проверочное утверждение «dpy->xcb->reply_data != ((void *)0)» не выполнено.

которая, ИМХО, была связана с отсутствием XLockDisplay() и XUnlockDisplay().

Владельцы карт NVidia с проприетарными драйверами — проверьте, пожалуйста!

Дмитрий Шурупов
shurup@ubuntop:~/tmp$ uname -a
Linux ubuntop 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
shurup@ubuntop:~/tmp$ lsmod | grep -i nv
nvidia              10832442  31 

Результаты же таковы…

shurup@ubuntop:~/tmp$ ./sysinfo 
Starting  SysInfo for Linux ver., GTK2 based
(<unknown>:22918): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ неправильный класс ELF: ELFCLASS64 TCPUInfoRec.Create .Info Cache Added: Type: L2, Size: 2048, 8-way set associative, 2 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Data, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Inst, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info CPU Speed is: 1,83 GHz TCPUInfoRec.Done TMemoryInfoRec.Create TMemoryInfoRec.Done TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Create SIUtils.Info Unable to open /dev/mem for reading. No enough rights? TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Done TSysBusInfoRec.Create TSysBusInfoRec.Done TSysBIOSInfoRec.Create TSysBIOSInfoRec.Done TBlockDevInfoRec.Create Added block dev: SCSI CD: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-K16M Added block dev: SATA HDD: 186,3Gb FUJITSU MHV2200B [sda1,sda4-sda6] TBlockDevInfoRec.Done TFSInfoRec.Create TFSInfoRec.Done TX11VideoInfoRec.Create SIDL.Info /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/ undefined symbol: XF86DRICloseConnection SIDL.Info /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/ undefined symbol: DRI2Connect Processed: GLX, OpCode 128 Requested: Ver. 1.4 Processed: MIT-SCREEN-SAVER, OpCode 129 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFree86-VidModeExtension, OpCode 130 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XFree86-DGA, OpCode 131 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: DPMS, OpCode 132 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XVideo, OpCode 133 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XVideo-MotionCompensation, OpCode 134 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: X-Resource, OpCode 135 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: DOUBLE-BUFFER, OpCode 136 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: RECORD, OpCode 137 Requested: Ver. 1.13 Processed: DRI2, OpCode 138 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: NV-GLX, OpCode 139 Processed: NV-CONTROL, OpCode 140 Requested: Ver. 1.22 Processed: Generic Event Extension, OpCode 141 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: SHAPE, OpCode 142 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: MIT-SHM, OpCode 143 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XInputExtension, OpCode 144 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: XTEST, OpCode 145 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: BIG-REQUESTS, OpCode 146 Processed: SYNC, OpCode 147 Requested: Ver. 3.0 Processed: XKEYBOARD, OpCode 148 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XC-MISC, OpCode 149 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: SECURITY, OpCode 150 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFIXES, OpCode 152 Requested: Ver. 4.0 Processed: RENDER, OpCode 153 Requested: Ver. 0.10 Processed: RANDR, OpCode 154 Requested: Ver. 1.3 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: Composite, OpCode 156 Requested: Ver. 0.4 Processed: DAMAGE, OpCode 157 Requested: Ver. 1.1 TX11FontInfoRec.Create TX11FontInfoRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Info Unable to query Monitor information from XFree86-VidModeExtension! TX11MonitorInfoRec.Done TX11ScrInfoRec.Create TX11ScrInfoRec.Done TOpenGLInfoRec.Create TOpenGLInfoRec Unable to open drm connection! sysinfo: ../../src/xcb_io.c:549: _XRead: Проверочное утверждение «dpy->xcb->reply_data != ((void *)0)» не выполнено. Аварийный останов shurup@ubuntop:~/tmp$

Брал последнюю сборку, в которой этот assert должен был быть исправлен.


Спасибо, Дмитрий!


Моя вина — не правильно написал запрос _XSend(). Попробуйте, пожалуйста, вот этот билд: Должно работать. ;)


С уважением.


Ссылка для загрузки билда:

Дмитрий Шурупов

Ага. Теперь новая проблема :-)

  TOpenGLInfoRec Unable to open drm connection!
  NVidia Card Name:
sysinfo: ../../src/xcb_io.c:452: _XReply: Проверочное утверждение «!dpy->xcb->reply_data» не выполнено.
Аварийный останов 



Гм… ;)


Скажите, а «» — это что-то значимое? Как-то относится к драйверу NVidia или просто шум?

Дмитрий Шурупов

Гугл находит кучу строк а-ля «NVIDIA(0): VideoBIOS: 05.73.22.xx.xx (II)». Так что, очевидно, не просто шум…


Да. Это я вместо имени GPU запросил версиюBIOS. ;)


Вот новый билд Если не надоело — попробуйте его, пожалуйста. ;)

Вроде бы, ошибки запроса _XRead() исправлены.

С уважением, и заранее спасибо.

Дмитрий Шурупов

Все стало еще интереснее! ;-)

 SIDL.Info /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/ undefined symbol: XF86DRICloseConnection
 SIDL.Info /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/ undefined symbol: DRI2Connect
  Processed:  GLX,                           OpCode 128  Requested:  Ver. 1.4
  Processed:  MIT-SCREEN-SAVER,              OpCode 129  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  XFree86-VidModeExtension,      OpCode 130  Requested:  Ver. 2.2
  Processed:  XFree86-DGA,                   OpCode 131  Requested:  Ver. 2.0
  Processed:  DPMS,                          OpCode 132  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  XVideo,                        OpCode 133  Requested:  Ver. 2.2
  Processed:  XVideo-MotionCompensation,     OpCode 134  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  X-Resource,                    OpCode 135  Requested:  Ver. 1.0
  Processed:  DOUBLE-BUFFER,                 OpCode 136  Requested:  Ver. 1.0
  Processed:  RECORD,                        OpCode 137  Requested:  Ver. 1.13
  Processed:  DRI2,                          OpCode 138  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  NV-GLX,                        OpCode 139  
  Processed:  NV-CONTROL,                    OpCode 140  Requested:  Ver. 1.22
  Processed:  Generic Event Extension,       OpCode 141  Requested:  Ver. 1.0
  Processed:  SHAPE,                         OpCode 142  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  MIT-SHM,                       OpCode 143  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  XInputExtension,               OpCode 144  Requested:  Ver. 2.0
  Processed:  XTEST,                         OpCode 145  Requested:  Ver. 2.2
  Processed:  BIG-REQUESTS,                  OpCode 146  
  Processed:  SYNC,                          OpCode 147  Requested:  Ver. 3.0
  Processed:  XKEYBOARD,                     OpCode 148  Requested:  Ver. 1.0
  Processed:  XC-MISC,                       OpCode 149  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  SECURITY,                      OpCode 150  Requested:  Ver. 1.0
  Processed:  XINERAMA,                      OpCode 151  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  XFIXES,                        OpCode 152  Requested:  Ver. 4.0
  Processed:  RENDER,                        OpCode 153  Requested:  Ver. 0.10
  Processed:  RANDR,                         OpCode 154  Requested:  Ver. 1.3
  Processed:  XINERAMA,                      OpCode 151  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  Processed:  Composite,                     OpCode 156  Requested:  Ver. 0.4
  Processed:  DAMAGE,                        OpCode 157  Requested:  Ver. 1.1
  TX11MonitorInfoRec.Info Unable to query Monitor information from XFree86-VidModeExtension!
  TOpenGLInfoRec Unable to open /dev/dri/card0!
  NVRM Version(NV_RM_API_CMD_VERSION_OVERRIDE): ��a����y��ƟY������y���0�c�▒�
  NVRM Version(NV_RM_API_CMD_VERSION_SRICT): 195.36.24
  NVidia Card Name: GeForce Go 7600
  NVidia Driver Version: 195.36.24
  NVidia Card Bus: PCI EXPRESS
 Input device: Virtual core pointer, XID: 2, Classes Qnt: 2
 Input device: Virtual core keyboard, XID: 3, Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: Virtual core XTEST pointer, XID: 4, Classes Qnt: 2
 Input device: Virtual core XTEST keyboard, XID: 5, Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: Sony Vaio Keys, XID: 6, Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: Power Button, XID: 7, Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard, XID: 8, Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: Macintosh mouse button emulation, XID: 11, Classes Qnt: 2
The program '<unknown>' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)'.
  (Details: serial 122 error_code 5 request_code 17 minor_code 0)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.) 

Спасибо, Дмитрий. Прогресс на лицо! ;)

А можно лицезреть вывод команды

xinput list --long 


Дмитрий Шурупов
$ xinput list --long 
⎡ Virtual core pointer                          id=2    [master pointer  (3)]
        Reporting 3 classes:
                Class originated from: 10
                Buttons supported: 12
                Button labels: Button Left Button Middle Button Right Button Wheel Up Button Wheel Down Button Horiz Wheel Left Button Horiz Wheel Right None None None None None
                Button state:
                Class originated from: 10
                Detail for Valuator 0:
                  Label: Rel X
                  Range: 0.000000 - 1023.000000
                  Resolution: 0 units/m
                  Mode: relative
                Class originated from: 10
                Detail for Valuator 1:
                  Label: Rel Y
                  Range: 0.000000 - 767.000000
                  Resolution: 0 units/m
                  Mode: relative
⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)] Reporting 3 classes: Class originated from: 4 Buttons supported: 10 Button labels: Button Left Button Middle Button Right Button Wheel Up Button Wheel Down Button Horiz Wheel Left Button Horiz Wheel Right None None None Button state: Class originated from: 4 Detail for Valuator 0: Label: Rel X Range: -1.000000 - -1.000000 Resolution: 0 units/m Mode: relative Class originated from: 4 Detail for Valuator 1: Label: Rel Y Range: -1.000000 - -1.000000 Resolution: 0 units/m Mode: relative
⎜ ↳ Macintosh mouse button emulation id=11 [slave pointer (2)] Reporting 3 classes: Class originated from: 11 Buttons supported: 5 Button labels: Button Left Button Middle Button Right Button Wheel Up Button Wheel Down Button state: Class originated from: 11 Detail for Valuator 0: Label: Rel X Range: -1.000000 - -1.000000 Resolution: 1 units/m Mode: relative Class originated from: 11 Detail for Valuator 1: Label: Rel Y Range: -1.000000 - -1.000000 Resolution: 1 units/m Mode: relative
⎜ ↳ PS/2 Mouse id=9 [slave pointer (2)] Reporting 3 classes: Class originated from: 9 Buttons supported: 5 Button labels: Button Left Button Middle Button Right Button Wheel Up Button Wheel Down Button state: Class originated from: 9 Detail for Valuator 0: Label: Rel X Range: -1.000000 - -1.000000 Resolution: 1 units/m Mode: relative Class originated from: 9 Detail for Valuator 1: Label: Rel Y Range: -1.000000 - -1.000000 Resolution: 1 units/m Mode: relative
⎜ ↳ AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint id=10 [slave pointer (2)] Reporting 3 classes: Class originated from: 10 Buttons supported: 12 Button labels: Button Left Button Middle Button Right Button Wheel Up Button Wheel Down Button Horiz Wheel Left Button Horiz Wheel Right None None None None None Button state: Class originated from: 10 Detail for Valuator 0: Label: Rel X Range: 0.000000 - 1023.000000 Resolution: 0 units/m Mode: relative Class originated from: 10 Detail for Valuator 1: Label: Rel Y Range: 0.000000 - 767.000000 Resolution: 0 units/m Mode: relative
⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3 [master keyboard (2)] Reporting 1 classes: Class originated from: 8 Keycodes supported: 248
↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard id=5 [slave keyboard (3)] Reporting 1 classes: Class originated from: 5 Keycodes supported: 248
↳ Sony Vaio Keys id=6 [slave keyboard (3)] Reporting 1 classes: Class originated from: 6 Keycodes supported: 248
↳ Power Button id=7 [slave keyboard (3)] Reporting 1 classes: Class originated from: 7 Keycodes supported: 248
↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard id=8 [slave keyboard (3)] Reporting 1 classes: Class originated from: 8 Keycodes supported: 248



Дмитрий, спасибо!

Вот — новый билд — В нем вроде бы — все исправлено. Должен показать GUI. ;) Т.е., не вылететь в консоли. Плюс — теперь данные будут отображаться на страничке Video/X11 в разделе GLX/OpenGL Information -> Direct Rendering: Yes. Если там что-то отображается — сделайте, пожалуйста, скриншот.

И, если все Ок — будем публиковать SysInfo for Linux ver. 0.5.2

Спасибо и с уважением.

Дмитрий Шурупов

Рано радуемся :-D

  TX11MonitorInfoRec.Info Unable to query Monitor information from XFree86-VidModeExtension!
  TOpenGLInfoRec Unable to open /dev/dri/card0!
  NVidia Card Name: GeForce Go 7600
  NVidia Driver Version: 195.36.24
  NVidia Card Bus: pcie
 Input device: Virtual core pointer, XID: 2, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2
 Input device: Virtual core keyboard, XID: 3, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: Virtual core XTEST pointer, XID: 4, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2
 Input device: Virtual core XTEST keyboard, XID: 5, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: Sony Vaio Keys, XID: 6, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: Power Button, XID: 7, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard, XID: 8, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: PS/2 Mouse, XID: 9, Atom: MOUSE, Classes Qnt: 2
TSIStrList.Error Add: Unable to insert NULL object into a list!



Очень жаль…

А можно попросить Вас запустить программу из-под gdb? Ее нужно пускать с опцией --sync

Дмитрий Шурупов

Я в gdb не силен…

(gdb) file sysinfo
Reading symbols from /home/shurup/tmp/sysinfo...done.
(gdb) run --sync
Starting program: /home/shurup/tmp/sysinfo --sync
warning: the debug information found in "/lib/" does not match "/lib/" (CRC mismatch).
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Starting SysInfo for Linux ver., GTK2 based
(<unknown>:5798): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ неправильный класс ELF: ELFCLASS64 TCPUInfoRec.Create .Info Cache Added: Type: L2, Size: 2048, 8-way set associative, 2 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Data, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Inst, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info CPU Speed is: 1,83 GHz TCPUInfoRec.Done TMemoryInfoRec.Create TMemoryInfoRec.Done TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Create SIUtils.Info Unable to open /dev/mem for reading. No enough rights? TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Done TSysBusInfoRec.Create TSysBusInfoRec.Done TSysBIOSInfoRec.Create TSysBIOSInfoRec.Done TBlockDevInfoRec.Create Added block dev: SCSI CD: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-K16M Added block dev: SATA HDD: 186,3Gb FUJITSU MHV2200B [sda1,sda4-sda6] Added block dev: SCSI HDD: 232,9Gb WD 2500BEV External [sdb1] TBlockDevInfoRec.Done TFSInfoRec.Create TFSInfoRec.Done TX11VideoInfoRec.Create SIDL.Info /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/ undefined symbol: XF86DRICloseConnection SIDL.Info /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/ undefined symbol: DRI2Connect Processed: GLX, OpCode 128 Requested: Ver. 1.4 Processed: MIT-SCREEN-SAVER, OpCode 129 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFree86-VidModeExtension, OpCode 130 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XFree86-DGA, OpCode 131 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: DPMS, OpCode 132 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XVideo, OpCode 133 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XVideo-MotionCompensation, OpCode 134 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: X-Resource, OpCode 135 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: DOUBLE-BUFFER, OpCode 136 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: RECORD, OpCode 137 Requested: Ver. 1.13 Processed: DRI2, OpCode 138 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: NV-GLX, OpCode 139 Processed: NV-CONTROL, OpCode 140 Requested: Ver. 1.22 Processed: Generic Event Extension, OpCode 141 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: SHAPE, OpCode 142 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: MIT-SHM, OpCode 143 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XInputExtension, OpCode 144 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: XTEST, OpCode 145 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: BIG-REQUESTS, OpCode 146 Processed: SYNC, OpCode 147 Requested: Ver. 3.0 Processed: XKEYBOARD, OpCode 148 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XC-MISC, OpCode 149 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: SECURITY, OpCode 150 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFIXES, OpCode 152 Requested: Ver. 4.0 Processed: RENDER, OpCode 153 Requested: Ver. 0.10 Processed: RANDR, OpCode 154 Requested: Ver. 1.3 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: Composite, OpCode 156 Requested: Ver. 0.4 Processed: DAMAGE, OpCode 157 Requested: Ver. 1.1 TX11FontInfoRec.Create TX11FontInfoRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Info Unable to query Monitor information from XFree86-VidModeExtension! TX11MonitorInfoRec.Done TX11ScrInfoRec.Create TX11ScrInfoRec.Done TOpenGLInfoRec.Create TOpenGLInfoRec Unable to open /dev/dri/card0! NVidia Card Name: GeForce Go 7600 NVidia Driver Version: 195.36.24 NVidia Card Bus: pcie TOpenGLInfoRec.Done TX11XvInfoRec.Create TX11XvInfoRec.Done Input device: Virtual core pointer, XID: 2, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2 Input device: Virtual core keyboard, XID: 3, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1 Input device: Virtual core XTEST pointer, XID: 4, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2 Input device: Virtual core XTEST keyboard, XID: 5, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1 Input device: Sony Vaio Keys, XID: 6, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Input device: Power Button, XID: 7, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Input device: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard, XID: 8, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Input device: PS/2 Mouse, XID: 9, Atom: MOUSE, Classes Qnt: 2 TSIStrList.Error Add: Unable to insert NULL object into a list!
Program exited normally. (gdb)

Не вижу ничего нового кроме подозрительного предупреждения про ld в самом начале…

Нужно выполнить в gdb что-то еще?


Вот — билд Если не надоело — проверьте его, пожалуйста. Мне кажется, ошибку я нашел. ;)

Дмитрий Шурупов
 Input device: Virtual core pointer, XID: 2, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2
 Input device: Virtual core keyboard, XID: 3, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1
 Input device: Virtual core XTEST pointer, XID: 4, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
 Input device: Virtual core XTEST keyboard, XID: 5, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
 Input device: Sony Vaio Keys, XID: 6, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
 Input device: Power Button, XID: 7, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
 Input device: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard, XID: 8, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
 Input device: PS/2 Mouse, XID: 9, Atom: MOUSE, Classes Qnt: 2
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 4
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1
  Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1
*** %n in writable segment detected ***
Аварийный останов 



Вот, билд  В нем исправлено все, что только можно. Плюс — запросы к расширениямXFree86-DRI & DRI2 переведены из библиотечных функций в запросы _XReplay()/_XRead(). Что вернуло работоспособность программе на X-Сервере 1.7.6.

Попробуйте, пожалуйста, если не надоело.

Если все работает — шлите скриншоты!

С уважением.

Дмитрий Шурупов

Гм… Не совсем.

Должен разворачиваться пункт Direct Rendering. А он не разворачивается…

Дмитрий, пожалуйста, покажите, что пишется на консоль?

Дмитрий Шурупов
$ ./sysinfo 
Starting  SysInfo for Linux ver., GTK2 based
(<unknown>:13007): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ неправильный класс ELF: ELFCLASS64 TCPUInfoRec.Create .Info Cache Added: Type: L2, Size: 2048, 8-way set associative, 2 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Data, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Inst, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info CPU Speed is: 1,83 GHz TCPUInfoRec.Done TMemoryInfoRec.Create TMemoryInfoRec.Done TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Create SIUtils.Info Unable to open /dev/mem for reading. No enough rights? TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Done TSysBusInfoRec.Create TSysBusInfoRec.Done TSysBIOSInfoRec.Create TSysBIOSInfoRec.Done TBlockDevInfoRec.Create Added block dev: SCSI CD: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-K16M Added block dev: SATA HDD: 186,3Gb FUJITSU MHV2200B [sda1,sda4-sda6] TBlockDevInfoRec.Done TFSInfoRec.Create TFSInfoRec.Done TX11VideoInfoRec.Create Processed: GLX, OpCode 128 Requested: Ver. 1.4 Processed: MIT-SCREEN-SAVER, OpCode 129 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFree86-VidModeExtension, OpCode 130 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XFree86-DGA, OpCode 131 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: DPMS, OpCode 132 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XVideo, OpCode 133 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XVideo-MotionCompensation, OpCode 134 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: X-Resource, OpCode 135 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: DOUBLE-BUFFER, OpCode 136 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: RECORD, OpCode 137 Requested: Ver. 1.13 Processed: DRI2, OpCode 138 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: NV-GLX, OpCode 139 Processed: NV-CONTROL, OpCode 140 Requested: Ver. 1.22 Processed: Generic Event Extension, OpCode 141 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: SHAPE, OpCode 142 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: MIT-SHM, OpCode 143 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XInputExtension, OpCode 144 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: XTEST, OpCode 145 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: BIG-REQUESTS, OpCode 146 Processed: SYNC, OpCode 147 Requested: Ver. 3.0 Processed: XKEYBOARD, OpCode 148 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XC-MISC, OpCode 149 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: SECURITY, OpCode 150 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFIXES, OpCode 152 Requested: Ver. 4.0 Processed: RENDER, OpCode 153 Requested: Ver. 0.10 Processed: RANDR, OpCode 154 Requested: Ver. 1.3 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: Composite, OpCode 156 Requested: Ver. 0.4 Processed: DAMAGE, OpCode 157 Requested: Ver. 1.1 TX11FontInfoRec.Create TX11FontInfoRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Info Unable to query Monitor information from XFree86-VidModeExtension! TX11MonitorInfoRec.Done TX11ScrInfoRec.Create TX11ScrInfoRec.Done TOpenGLInfoRec.Create TOpenGLInfoRec Unable to open /dev/dri/card0! NVidia Card Name: GeForce Go 7600 NVidia Driver Version: 195.36.24 NVidia Card Bus: pcie TOpenGLInfoRec.Done TX11XvInfoRec.Create TX11XvInfoRec.Done Input device: Virtual core pointer, XID: 2, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2 Input device: Virtual core keyboard, XID: 3, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1 Input device: Virtual core XTEST pointer, XID: 4, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Input device: Virtual core XTEST keyboard, XID: 5, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Input device: Sony Vaio Keys, XID: 6, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Input device: Power Button, XID: 7, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Input device: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard, XID: 8, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Input device: PS/2 Mouse, XID: 9, Atom: MOUSE, Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 4 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 5 Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Input device: AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint, XID: 10, Atom: TOUCHPAD, Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 4 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 5 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 3 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 7 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 4 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 3 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 3 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 3 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 4 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Input device: Macintosh mouse button emulation, XID: 11, Atom: MOUSE, Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 4 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 5 Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1 TX11VideoInfoRec.Done TMMediaInfoRec.Create TMMediaInfoRec.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Create TDestInfo.Create TDestInfo.Done TDestInfo.Create TDestInfo.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Done TVersionInfoRec.Create Value: kwin, Encoding: STRING, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 4 TVersionInfoRec.Done TNetworkInfoRec.Create TNetworkInfoRec.Done 1st Page: Done. 2nd Page: Done. 3rd Page: Done. 4th Page: Done. 5th Page: Done. 6th Page: Done. 7th Page: Done. 8th Page: Done.



Спасибо, Дмитрий.

Вот — новый билд, 0.5.2rc1. В нем все исправлено (я надеюсь). Попробуйте, пожалуйста!

PS: Я, ИМХО, поставил слишком жесткие условия проверки. Вот функция и не возвращала значение. ;)

С уважением.

Дмитрий Шурупов

Ага, разворачивается теперь:


Спасибо, Дмитрий!

Кое-что переделал… Вот — SysInfo 0.5.2rc2. Не знаю, поборол ли я все ошибки, но, ИМХО, очень старался.

NVidia должна показывать теперь больше информации в секторе Direct rendering: Yes.

Проверьте, пожалуйста. Плюс, если не трудно — покажите вывод консоли.

С уважением.

Дмитрий Шурупов

Данные там изменились…

Starting  SysInfo for Linux ver. 0.5.2rc2, GTK2 based
(<unknown>:10192): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ неправильный класс ELF: ELFCLASS64 TCPUInfoRec.Create .Info Cache Added: Type: L2, Size: 2048, 8-way set associative, 2 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Data, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Inst, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info CPU Speed is: 1,83 GHz TCPUInfoRec.Done TMemoryInfoRec.Create TMemoryInfoRec.Done TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Create SIUtils.Info Unable to open /dev/mem for reading. No enough rights? TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Done TSysBusInfoRec.Create TSysBusInfoRec.Done TSysBIOSInfoRec.Create TSysBIOSInfoRec.Done TBlockDevInfoRec.Create Added block dev: SCSI CD: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-K16M Added block dev: SATA HDD: 186,3Gb FUJITSU MHV2200B [sda1,sda4-sda6] TBlockDevInfoRec.Done TFSInfoRec.Create TFSInfoRec.Done TX11VideoInfoRec.Create Processed: GLX, OpCode 128 Requested: Ver. 1.4 Processed: MIT-SCREEN-SAVER, OpCode 129 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFree86-VidModeExtension, OpCode 130 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XFree86-DGA, OpCode 131 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: DPMS, OpCode 132 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XVideo, OpCode 133 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XVideo-MotionCompensation, OpCode 134 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: X-Resource, OpCode 135 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: DOUBLE-BUFFER, OpCode 136 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: RECORD, OpCode 137 Requested: Ver. 1.13 Processed: DRI2, OpCode 138 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: NV-GLX, OpCode 139 Processed: NV-CONTROL, OpCode 140 Requested: Ver. 1.22 Processed: Generic Event Extension, OpCode 141 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: SHAPE, OpCode 142 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: MIT-SHM, OpCode 143 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XInputExtension, OpCode 144 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: XTEST, OpCode 145 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: BIG-REQUESTS, OpCode 146 Processed: SYNC, OpCode 147 Requested: Ver. 3.0 Processed: XKEYBOARD, OpCode 148 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XC-MISC, OpCode 149 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: SECURITY, OpCode 150 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFIXES, OpCode 152 Requested: Ver. 4.0 Processed: RENDER, OpCode 153 Requested: Ver. 0.10 Processed: RANDR, OpCode 154 Requested: Ver. 1.3 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: Composite, OpCode 156 Requested: Ver. 0.4 Processed: DAMAGE, OpCode 157 Requested: Ver. 1.1 TX11FontInfoRec.Create TX11FontInfoRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Info Unable to query Monitor information from XFree86-VidModeExtension! TX11MonitorInfoRec.Done TX11ScrInfoRec.Create TX11ScrInfoRec.Done TOpenGLInfoRec.Create TOpenGLInfoRec Unable to open /dev/dri/card0! NVRM Version(NV_RM_API_CMD_VERSION_SRICT): 195.36.24 NVidia Card Name: GeForce Go 7600 NVidia Driver Version: 195.36.24 TOpenGLInfoRec.Done TX11XvInfoRec.Create TX11XvInfoRec.Done Input device: Virtual core pointer, XID: 2, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2 Input device: Virtual core keyboard, XID: 3, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1 Input device: Virtual core XTEST pointer, XID: 4, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: Virtual core XTEST keyboard, XID: 5, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: Sony Vaio Keys, XID: 6, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: Power Button, XID: 7, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard, XID: 8, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: PS/2 Mouse, XID: 9, Atom: MOUSE, Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 4 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 200 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 0, 0, 0, 5 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 50 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 2 Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 5, Result: Button Left, Button Left, Button Middle, Button Wheel Up, None (4115032640) Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: Rel X, Rel X Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint, XID: 10, Atom: TOUCHPAD, Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 0, 0, 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1, 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 5, Result: 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1,000, 1,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 14, 14 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 10, 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0,100 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 3, Result: 1, 1, 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 7, Result: 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 5000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 100 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1, 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1, 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1, 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 14, 14 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 0,400, 0,400, 0,700, 40,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 3, Result: 1, 1, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 25, 25 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 7 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 139 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 75 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 3, Result: 180, 180, 180 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 56 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 180 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 3, Result: 12, 12, 14 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 153, 153, 870, 652 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: Macintosh mouse button emulation, XID: 11, Atom: MOUSE, Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 4 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 200 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 0, 0, 0, 5 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 50 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 2 Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 5, Result: Button Left, Button Left, Button Middle, Button Wheel Up, None (0) Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: Rel X, Rel X Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 TX11VideoInfoRec.Done TMMediaInfoRec.Create TMMediaInfoRec.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Create TDestInfo.Create TDestInfo.Done TDestInfo.Create TDestInfo.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Done TVersionInfoRec.Create TVersionInfoRec.Done TNetworkInfoRec.Create TNetworkInfoRec.Done 1st Page: Done. 2nd Page: Done. 3rd Page: Done. 4th Page: Done. 5th Page: Done. 6th Page: Done. 7th Page: Done. 8th Page: Done. TMemoryInfoRec.Destroy TMemoryInfoRec.Done TCPUInfoRec.Destroy TCPUInfoRec.Done TSysBusInfoRec.Destroy TSysBusInfoRec.Done TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Destroy TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Done TSysBIOSInfoRec.Destroy TSysBIOSInfoRec.Done TVersionInfoRec.Destroy TVersionInfoRec.Done TBlockDevInfoRec.Destroy TBlockDevInfoRec.Done TFSInfoRec.Destroy TFSInfoRec.Done TX11VideoInfoRec.Destroy TX11ScrInfoRec.Destroy TX11ScrInfoRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Destroy TRandRMonitorRec.Destroy TRandRMonitorRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Done TOpenGLInfoRec.Destroy TOpenGLInfoRec.Done TX11FontInfoRec.Destroy TX11FontInfoRec.Done TX11XvInfoRec.Destroy TX11XvInfoRec.Done TX11VideoInfoRec.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Destroy TDestInfo.Destroy TDestInfo.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Done TMMediaInfoRec.Destroy TMMediaInfoRec.Done TNetworkInfoRec.Destroy TNetworkInfoRec.Done

Спасибо, Дмитрий.

Очередная попытка все исправить: SysInfo v. 0.5.2rc3.1. Добавлена информация о NVidia. ИМХО, по этой части — окончательно.

Исправлена обработка свойств XInput.

Сделаны очень жесткие ограничения в части определения сетевых адаптеров.

Просьба аналогична — лог, скриншот Video/X11 с развёрнутым пунктом Direct rendering: Yes.  Заранее спасибо.

С уважением.

Дмитрий Шурупов

Вроде в выводе ничего не изменилось:

$ ./sysinfo 
Starting  SysInfo for Linux ver. 0.5.2rc3.1, GTK2 based
(<unknown>:5139): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ неправильный класс ELF: ELFCLASS64 TCPUInfoRec.Create .Info Cache Added: Type: L2, Size: 2048, 8-way set associative, 2 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Data, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info Cache Added: Type: L1 Inst, Size: 32, 8-way set associative, 1 line per tag, 64 bit line size .Info CPU Speed is: 1,83 GHz TCPUInfoRec.Done TMemoryInfoRec.Create TMemoryInfoRec.Done TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Create SIUtils.Info Unable to open /dev/mem for reading. No enough rights? TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Done TSysBusInfoRec.Create TSysBusInfoRec.Done TSysBIOSInfoRec.Create TSysBIOSInfoRec.Done TBlockDevInfoRec.Create Added block dev: SCSI CD: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-K16M Added block dev: SATA HDD: 186,3Gb FUJITSU MHV2200B [sda1,sda4-sda6] TBlockDevInfoRec.Done TFSInfoRec.Create TFSInfoRec.Done TX11VideoInfoRec.Create Processed: GLX, OpCode 128 Requested: Ver. 1.4 Processed: MIT-SCREEN-SAVER, OpCode 129 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFree86-VidModeExtension, OpCode 130 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XFree86-DGA, OpCode 131 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: DPMS, OpCode 132 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XVideo, OpCode 133 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: XVideo-MotionCompensation, OpCode 134 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: X-Resource, OpCode 135 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: DOUBLE-BUFFER, OpCode 136 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: RECORD, OpCode 137 Requested: Ver. 1.13 Processed: DRI2, OpCode 138 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: NV-GLX, OpCode 139 Processed: NV-CONTROL, OpCode 140 Requested: Ver. 1.22 Processed: Generic Event Extension, OpCode 141 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: SHAPE, OpCode 142 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: MIT-SHM, OpCode 143 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XInputExtension, OpCode 144 Requested: Ver. 2.0 Processed: XTEST, OpCode 145 Requested: Ver. 2.2 Processed: BIG-REQUESTS, OpCode 146 Processed: SYNC, OpCode 147 Requested: Ver. 3.0 Processed: XKEYBOARD, OpCode 148 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XC-MISC, OpCode 149 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: SECURITY, OpCode 150 Requested: Ver. 1.0 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: XFIXES, OpCode 152 Requested: Ver. 4.0 Processed: RENDER, OpCode 153 Requested: Ver. 0.10 Processed: RANDR, OpCode 154 Requested: Ver. 1.3 Processed: XINERAMA, OpCode 151 Requested: Ver. 1.1 Processed: Composite, OpCode 156 Requested: Ver. 0.4 Processed: DAMAGE, OpCode 157 Requested: Ver. 1.1 TX11FontInfoRec.Create TX11FontInfoRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Create TRandRMonitorRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Info Unable to query Monitor information from XFree86-VidModeExtension! TX11MonitorInfoRec.Done TX11ScrInfoRec.Create TX11ScrInfoRec.Done TOpenGLInfoRec.Create TOpenGLInfoRec Unable to open /dev/dri/card0! TOpenGLInfoRec.Done TX11XvInfoRec.Create TX11XvInfoRec.Done Input device: Virtual core pointer, XID: 2, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2 Input device: Virtual core keyboard, XID: 3, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1 Input device: Virtual core XTEST pointer, XID: 4, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: Virtual core XTEST keyboard, XID: 5, Atom: (null), Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: Sony Vaio Keys, XID: 6, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: Power Button, XID: 7, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard, XID: 8, Atom: KEYBOARD, Classes Qnt: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: Macintosh mouse button emulation, XID: 11, Atom: MOUSE, Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 4 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 200 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 0, 0, 4, 5 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 50 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 2 Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 5, Result: Button Left, Button Middle, Button Right, Button Wheel Up, Button Wheel Down Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: Rel X, Rel Y Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: PS/2 Mouse, XID: 9, Atom: MOUSE, Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 4 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 200 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 16 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 0, 0, 4, 5 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 50 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 2 Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 5, Result: Button Left, Button Middle, Button Right, Button Wheel Up, Button Wheel Down Property type: ATOM, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: Rel X, Rel Y Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Input device: AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint, XID: 10, Atom: TOUCHPAD, Classes Qnt: 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 0, 0, 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1, 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 5, Result: 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1,000, 1,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 14, 79 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 10, 99 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0,100 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 3, Result: 1, 1, 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 7, Result: 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 3, 2 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 5000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 100 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1, 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1, 1 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 1, 102 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 14, 79 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 0,400, 0,700, 0,039, 40,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 3, Result: 1, 0, 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 2, Result: 25, 25 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 7 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 139 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 75 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 3, Result: 180, 180, 100 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 56 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 180 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 3, Result: 12, 14, 127 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 4, Result: 153, 870, 115, 652 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 10,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: FLOAT, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1,000 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 32 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 0 Property type: INTEGER, Format: 8 bit, Items Qnt: 1, Result: 1 TX11VideoInfoRec.Done TMMediaInfoRec.Create TMMediaInfoRec.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Create TDestInfo.Create TDestInfo.Done TDestInfo.Create TDestInfo.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Done TVersionInfoRec.Create TVersionInfoRec.Done TNetworkInfoRec.Create TNetworkInfoRec.Done 1st Page: Done. 2nd Page: Done. 3rd Page: Done. 4th Page: Done. 5th Page: Done. 6th Page: Done. 7th Page: Done. 8th Page: Done. TMemoryInfoRec.Destroy TMemoryInfoRec.Done TCPUInfoRec.Destroy TCPUInfoRec.Done TSysBusInfoRec.Destroy TSysBusInfoRec.Done TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Destroy TDMIBIOSInfoRec.Done TSysBIOSInfoRec.Destroy TSysBIOSInfoRec.Done TVersionInfoRec.Destroy TVersionInfoRec.Done TBlockDevInfoRec.Destroy TBlockDevInfoRec.Done TFSInfoRec.Destroy TFSInfoRec.Done TX11VideoInfoRec.Destroy TX11ScrInfoRec.Destroy TX11ScrInfoRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Destroy TRandRMonitorRec.Destroy TRandRMonitorRec.Done TX11MonitorInfoRec.Done TOpenGLInfoRec.Destroy TOpenGLInfoRec.Done TX11FontInfoRec.Destroy TX11FontInfoRec.Done TX11XvInfoRec.Destroy TX11XvInfoRec.Done TX11VideoInfoRec.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Destroy TDestInfo.Destroy TDestInfo.Done TPrinterInfoRec.Done TMMediaInfoRec.Destroy TMMediaInfoRec.Done TNetworkInfoRec.Destroy TNetworkInfoRec.Done