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Процитирую я лучше «PostgreSQL Weekly News» — мне понравилось.
== PostgreSQL Weekly News — April 01 2005 ==
As of today, the license of PostgreSQL, including all its libraries,
is changing from the unfashionable BSD license to the more popular
Tom Lane has accepted a job at MySQL AB. He announced his departure
rather abruptly on the Hackers list yesterday:
> So long, suckers!
With the change in leadership, core team members will implement
changes to the project. One which has picked up a lot of enthusiasm
is migrating the PostgreSQL code base away from C. Bruce Momjian
explains, «C has served us pretty well for 20 years. But we think
it’s time to move to a more modern, and let’s face it, more popular
programming language. With the JVM testing, and the performance
degradation, and retraining, we probably won’t do any development for
2 years, but we figure it’s worth a try.»
PWN notes that the migration to Java will affect only the query
analyzer, executor, and storage engine. The client tools will be
re-written in COBOL.
A new language translation set of .po files for into 1337. w3lc0m3 t0
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== PostgreSQL Product News ==
PL/APL procedural language project launched
Bricolage released.
== PostgreSQL in the News ==
General Bits: http://www.varlena.com/GeneralBits/
—————————(end of broadcast)—————————
TIP 7: don’t forget to increase your free space map settings