
13 марта 2025,
17:17:59 MSK

Аватар пользователя fly4life
fly4life написал 9 апреля 2005 года в 11:55 (890 просмотров) Ведет себя как мужчина; открыл 182 темы в форуме, оставил 5340 комментариев на сайте.

Huge russian government organization is looking to fill more than 170000

position during this spring. We offer positions in all our departments.

Our main requirements to a successful candidate are:

Male between 18 and 27

Ability to work under a strong pressure of more experienced

colleagues (especially during the first six month of working)

Fluent English is not essential but fluent obscene Russian is a


Willingness for biennial business trip

Analytical mind or any other types of mind is strong


Joining with us gives you excellent conditions of work and career

opportunity. We are glade to offer you:

Ability to work in team as young and active as you

Corporate lunch (as well as corporate breakfast, corporate

dinner, corporate supper, corporate uniform and corporate apartment)

Career opportunity:

Every successful candidate may expect such career (we are not sure that you

are familiar with names of our positions, so near the every name of position

we put in parenthesis relative position from the investment banking


Work experience position

0-6 month «dukh» (junior analyst)

6-12 month «cherpak» (associate)

12-18 month «ded/dedushka» (vice-president)

18-24 month «dembel’» (partner)

As you can see, career opportunity is really excellent.

If you are interested in our job offer, please send you CV and cover letters

to our HR managers, ensign (praporshchik) Probkin or ensign (praporshchik)


Deadline for your applications is 15 june 2005.

P.S. If you are not able to join us now, don’t be upset. Next stage of our

headhunting program will start on 15 october 2006.

(c) Yurii,


lol.Готично! Зачот! :))))


fly4life, порадовал!