This position is responsible for the design and development of data management applications. The applications will monitor the state of one or more clusters providing details on the current state of hard, networks and storage. The tools will also provide in depth analysis of the data that resides in the system including the statistics about the content analysis on the growth of content and other information that will help in capacity planning. Based on the information gathered, additional applications will replicate or move data between Isilon clusters based on policies.
The position requires the following technical skills:
• 3-10 years experience in development of operating system level products and tools. Engineers with direct experience in the development of file systems or related file system tools are highly desirable.
• Experience with network based data movement tools such as FTP or rsync is required.
• An understanding of scalable systems design is required for this position. Isilon clustered servers support 100’s of Tera Bytes of data. Tools for managing this data must use innovative techniques.
• Experienced in development of distributed development where components of the system are running on multiple computers. Development in cluster based systems is a plus.
• Expert in the use C, Python, Perforce, Bugzilla
• Proven ability to provide high quality design documents.
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Мой родной язык,вот например,русский.
А родной язык человека, который подойдет под эти требования — С или python =)
Согласен, что отечественным работодателям вместо того, чтоб выпендриваться и писать объявления на английском стоит просто добавлять соответствующий пункт в требования, но тогда могут не отсеяться те, кто по английски вообще никак.
Думаю, что если вам не нравятся такие объявления о приеме на работу, то вы для этой компании не представляете интереса.
Язык объявления выбирается не просто так и не для выпендрежа.